This contest is open to the public, including − but not limited to − cranberry growers, cranberry growers’ families and their employees.
Contest Drop-Off Sites: Cranberries can be dropped off at the following locations:
​Festival Office - 402 Pine Street, Warrens
any time between the hours of 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday, Sept. 23rd & Tuesday, Sept. 24. Earlier drop-offs allowed. No entries accepted after 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 24, 2024.
Ocean Spray-Babcock Receiving Station - 1522 Necedah Road, Babcock
any time between 8:00am to 3:00pm - Monday, Sept. 23rd & Tuesday, Sept. 24th. No entries accepted after 3 p.m. on Sept. 24th.
Place each cranberry in a separate Ziploc bag with the completed entry form inside the bag.
Make sure to fill out entry form completely, as the results are published on the Festival’s website and submitted to area newspapers.
Tuck entry form inside bag. Do NOT staple form to outside of bag.
There are over 100 different varieties of cranberries and any variety may be entered.
All entries will be on display September 27th - 29th at the contest site, the Tin Shed behind the Discover Cranberries museum, 204 Main Street, Warrens.
Blue ribbons will be awarded for the largest cranberry in each variety class.
The Biggest Cranberry of Show will receive a $50 cash prize & trophy, sponsored by Paul’s Machine & Tool Inc., Warrens, Wis.
Cranberries will be judged by weight in grams rather than by volume. In the case of a tie, the cranberries will be
measured for overall length and diameter to determine the winner. The judges have the discretion to reject soft fruit.
You can enter by downloading the entry form and bring it with your berry entry.